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Weaving And Weaver Resources

Articles, information, and resources for Weavers are available here.

"Madelyn van der Hoogt’s Weaving II"

By Toby Smith
Fibre Focus
Autumn 2011

Article Excerpt . . .
A friend of mine has been a weaver for 25 years, teaches weaving, yet still calls herself just an advanced beginner. Most curious, I thought. But after weaving seven years, taking nineteen weaving workshops and reading everything I can find about weaving, I get it.
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Countermarch Looms - Everything you've ever wanted to know

Article Excerpt . . .
You may have overheard and pitied owners of countermarch looms asking each other endlessly, "Do the long cords go in front or in back?". . . or moaning . . . "All my shafts fell down! . . . I can't get a decent shed! . . . It takes all day to tie up my loom!" Then one day you have a new countermarch loom, and standing among piles of boards and cords you wonder how you will ever make sense of them all.
... Download full Countermarch Loom article

Weaving Dictionary

A Pocket Dictionary of weaving terms for today's weavers.
... Download Weaving Pocket Dictionary

Warping basics: from front to back

Article Excerpt . . .
These directions are for warping "front to back," i.e., sleying the reed and threading the heddles before winding the warp onto the warp beam. Follow these directions if you are using weaver-friendly warp yarns (smooth plied cottons, silks, linens, wools, etc.). Very sticky or highly overtwisted yarns (singles yarns are often slightly overtwisted) should be warped. . . .
. . . Download full article


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