Weaving Classes at
The Weavers’ School
All Classes In 2025 Are Now Full
If you’d like to be placed on a waiting list, contact Madelyn at
mvdh@whidbey.net: (Weaving I: April 7-11, June 2-6, August 4-8, October 6-10; Weaving 2: April 14-18, June 9-13, August 11-15, October 13-17).
Learn Successful Techniques for Designing, Drafting, and Weaving Beautiful Fabrics
Classes at the Weavers’ School are designed to give students a thorough background in two major areas:
- All the steps involved in designing and planning: understanding and choosing
appropriate weave structures, creating drafts for specific projects, understanding pattern weaves including block
weaves and profile drafting, and adapting drafts for specific materials and goals.
- The physical aspects of creating successful cloth: warping, weaving, and finishing, including
how to achieve even tension, firm and even selvedges, and how to choose and use the right materials to produce
the desired hand of a finished fabric.
Classes include lecture, discussion, an informative handout book, study of woven examples, drafting practice
on paper, and extensive supervised sample weaving on 34 pre-warped looms (with Madelyn and Suzie ready to help).
Class size is limited; instruction is highly individualized and responsive to the experience and interests of
each student.
Weaving I
(for complete beginners, advanced beginners, and all weavers needing help with warping): Includes an overview of designing and drafting basic weave structures
with thorough instruction in good warping and weaving techniques. We warp a loom from start to finish in class, with each
student practicing each step. Students also do extensive sample weaving on pre-warped looms.
Weaving II
(for intermediate and advanced weavers): Covers weave structures in depth, from plain weave and twills to block weaves and profile drafting (for four shafts and more).
For interested students, sample weaving and individual instruction includes the use of dobby and drawlooms.
Weaving Classes - Schedule :
Weaving Classes - Image Gallery
You'll learn and enjoy classes at The Weavers’ School
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so happy! I was reading the drafting book
on the plane going back home from my class and I understand it! I feel like the gods of karma
brought me to the Weavers’ School—what incredible luck for me!"
Alice Abarbanel
The Weavers’ School is located on beautiful Whidbey Island in Washington state. For more
information, contact Madelyn van der Hoogt at (360)320-1491 or email her at